Hard Surface Route Info

This information is provided is to make parents aware that in the event that school is open but all roads may not be accessible, the district will implement a hard service pick up schedule for students. 

  • In the event that road conditions are unsafe for school buses, the district will announce that Hard Surface Bus Routes will be used.

  • That announcement will be:

    • Posted on the website

    • Given to KGRN radio, WHO TV, KCCI TV and WOI TV.

    • Sent out via Emergency voice reach

  • We will be picking up and dropping off students at intersections of gravel and paved roads. If you happen to live on a paved road and currently use busing in the morning and after school, those time may have changed. In order to get an approximate time please refer to the Hard Surface Bus Route schedule found above.

  • If you plan on riding from one of the available stops you will need to be there at least 5 minutes before to make sure that we don’t hold up traffic on the roads.

  • For safety reasons we will not be letting students off at an intersection if there isn’t someone there to pick them up. If this happens that student will be taken back to their school, where they will have to have someone come and pick them up.

  • If Hard Surface Bus Routes are used in the morning they will be used that afternoon as well.

  • Hard Surface Bus Routes also apply to the Preschool take home and pick up.

  • If you know in advance where you will be riding from please let the driver know or contact the bus garage and we will inform the bus driver.

  • If you have any questions please contact the bus garage at 641-236-2715 or Email Chris Astelle.

three girls in winter clothing smiling at school